Chem Source Distribution is founded on the concept of strategically aligning state-of-the-art specialty chemicals with the demands of critical-to-quality processes and has been the core of our success for more than 25 years.  We pride ourselves in researching, locating, and providing quality product from viable, customer driven, and forward-thinking chemical manufacturers while servicing every product we sell.  Let us show you how we mindfully and successfully incorporate Total Cost of Ownership into your business plan.


Your Diverse Supplier

While every Supplier Diversity Program consists of common and unique objectives, Chem Source's mission is to provide positive impact techniques that cater to your specific program goals.  Maintaining our Woman Owned Small Business status fosters the necessary agility and flexibility for Chem Source to identify, design, and implement out-of-the-box strategies congruent with your supply chain initiatives.


WBENC Certification

WOSB Certificate

State of Tennessee DBE Certificate

Industrial Processes Served

At Chem Source we know that every manufacturer, big and small, is being driven by budget control and cost saving initiatives and our ability to capture the big picture of product requirements, down stream impact, protecting your equipment, and minimizing usage has been the force behind our growth.  Whether your manufacturing processes consist of metal finishing, forming, casting, or heat treating, our quest is to provide you with products that meet the most stringent financial and quality requirements.

Metal Finishing Products

Metal Fabrication

Miscellaneous Products

Our Capabilities

While aligning quality product to your specific application is critical, formation of supplier-to-customer partnerships is a necessity in todays competitive market.  At Chem Source, continued support after the sale is more important than the sale and is evidenced by our on and off-site, on-going commitment to you.

Field Service

Lab Service